Faith Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America

16705 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44112
(216) 692-0016
Rev. Dr. Anthony Johnson, Pastor
Elder Greg Scruggs, Church Clerk
(216) 692-0016
Rev. Dr. Anthony Johnson, Pastor
Elder Greg Scruggs, Church Clerk
Donations are accepted from Faith Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America members and all others who wish to contribute to Faith CPCA.
Please fill out the information form before donating online. You can donate by mail or Paypal. Mail your donation (check or money order) no cash to: Faith CPCA 16705 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44112 Or To donate using Paypal, please click on the yellow Donate button below. Your contributions are greatly appreciated. We thank you in advance for your support as we continue to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ! |